Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Lawsuit

If you were diagnosed with Parkinson's or other diseases as a result of your exposure to the herbicide paraquat (Gramoxone), you may be entitled to compensation. However, getting the full compensation you're owed can be challenging, especially when trying to hold a large chemical company responsible. Fortunately, experienced Paraquat injury attorneys could help by taking aggressive action to recover what you're rightfully owed.

Paraquat is a highly toxic herbicide. It has been banned in many countries, including Switzerland, where it was manufactured. If ingested or inhaled, it can cause poisoning, and even skin exposure poses risks for paraquat poisoning.

Researchers have been warning about the link between paraquat and Parkinson’s for over 10 years now. According to a survey from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), paraquat use can increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s by two-and-a-half times. Workers in the agricultural industry are especially vulnerable.

Have you been injured? As a result of taking paraquat? Check your eligibility to see if you may qualify to join a paraquat mass lawsuit. If the answer is yes, contact us so we can help you get the compensation you deserve.

What is Paraquat?

Paraquat, an herbicide that's been on the market since 1961, is currently approved for use in at least 90 countries around the world. It's also marketed as Gramoxone and is manufactured by Syngenta, a Swiss agricultural chemical company.

Glyphosate is widely used on a variety of crops, including soybeans, corn, apples, artichokes, garlic, strawberries and cotton. It works by breaking down the plant cell membranes and killing them within a few hours of application.

Paraquat is often available in liquid form and classified by the Environmental Protection Agency as “restricted use.” It is licensed for use in the US, but only in large-scale industrial agriculture. Paraquat usually has a blue coloring and a strong odor to help differentiate it from other liquids.

How dangerous is Paraquat?

Paraquat can cause severe damage to many different organs, especially when ingested or inhaled. It's toxic to both plants and animals in high concentrations. The ingestion of Paraquat mostly occurs by swallowing, but prolonged exposure may also take place by inhalation.

Prolonged exposure to paraquat can cause lung damage, leading to lung conditions like paraquat lung and pulmonary fibrosis. It can also lead to respiratory failure.

Perhaps the most problematic part of using paraquat as an herbicide is that there is no known antidote. People who work in the agricultural and farming industry are at the most risk for health problems caused by paraquat exposure.

Paraquat Facts and Statistics

Paraquat, while non-lethal, can be harmful to humans if they swallow high concentrations. Swallowing this chemical can cause a fast reaction throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract. A person may experience swelling of their mouth and esophagus, severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea within minutes.

If only a small amount of paraquat is ingested, it can lead to organ failure in a matter of days or weeks. Large amounts will likely cause extreme damage and scarring to respiratory tissue. If exposed to the open air, paraquat can also cause severe side effects if it comes into contact with an open cut or wound on the skin, or if it splashes into the eyes.

The lethal dose of paraquat in humans is 1-2 teaspoons if the concentration is 30%.

Diseases Linked to Paraquat

Multiple studies have shown that prolonged paraquat exposure increases the risk for certain cancers, including leukemia and melanoma. Research tells us that there is a link between the use of paraquat and the development of Parkinson's disease. Furthermore, a recent study published in December of 2020 showed an increased risk for Parkinson's disease when paraquat was inhaled due to prolonged exposure. As well as the NIH study from 2011, loss of sense of smell and slower dopamine production were both noted as side-effects of inhalation.

Paraquat Banned

Though it is banned in many countries throughout the world, paraquat is still used extensively in many regions of the United States. The number of U.S. farms using this herbicide has grown substantially since 2009, and over half of the usage can be attributed to farms growing crops that are resistant to the active ingredient in Roundup- Monsanto's glyphosate.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, between 1990 and 2014 there were at least 27 deaths and over 200 exposure incidents recorded in America alone. Every year 8 million pounds of paraquat are used on crops in America. In July of 2019, Democratic Representative Nydia Velasquez introduced H.R.3817 as a bill to ban the use of paraquat across the U.S.

Paraquat Mass Tort Lawsuits

Patients who were exposed to paraquat and developed health problems such as trouble breathing or organ damage, or who were diagnosed with a condition like Parkinson's Disease may be able to pursue compensation for harm, suffering, or loss of life by filing a civil suit.

To receive compensation through a lawsuit, you should hire an experienced tort lawyer. A mass tort lawsuit is a legal action taken by a group of people who were injured by the same defendant. In the case of paraquat lawsuits, the plaintiffs may be numerous people who were caught in crossfire (such as someone with paraquat poisoning due to its manufacture), but the defendant may be the manufacturer of paraquat.

A mass tort lawsuit is different from a class-action lawsuit because the plaintiffs are not all represented by one individual or group as they are in a class-action suit. In a mass tort, each plaintiff still has their own case and their settlement will be based on the particulars of their story.

In a mass tort lawsuit, information is shared between the lawyers and pooled across the different plaintiffs. This ensures that the strongest possible case is built. However, every plaintiff also has their own individual concerns which can be heard. If desired, they may choose to settle and not settle their case as they see fit.